Grow on X with less time and effort

Build your audience on X with only
1 tweet a day

Find the right topics spend less time on X and grow faster

Go viral like Daniel, Pieter and Marc

How it works

  1. You upload your latest tweets

  2. I load and analyze the data, calculate the scores and extract the best topics to write about

  3. You find out what are the best topics to talk about from your personal dashboard

I don't store your personal data and have no access to your X account.

I just save your X username

All you need to find your X voice

X Algo Score

Most interesting Topics

Best tweets and replies

X times better

  • Topic extraction for all your tweets
  • Topic Score Analysis
  • X Algo Score for all your tweets
  • Statistics on Tweet Score and Impressions
  • Full Support and upgrades
1 year access
$20 $9.50
Pay once, use for 1 year (no auto-renew)
Lifetime access
$40 $15
Pay once, use forever